Roshan Telecom ( TDCA)
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Our History
Roshan (Telecom Development Company Afghanistan Limited Liability Company) is Afghanistan’s leading total communications provider, covering all 34 provinces with approximately 6 million active subscribers and a deep commitment to the country’s reconstruction and development.
Roshan is a true Afghanistan success story, actively contributing to the country’s long-term development with more than $700 million invested in Afghanistan to date. We directly employ around 900 people – 99% Afghan nationals and 15% women – and provide indirect employment to around 45,000 people.
Our Mission
Roshan’s mission to advance Afghanistan’s growth is supported by our sole shareholder, the Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development (AKFED) – part of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) – which promotes private initiatives and builds economically sound enterprises in the developing world. For more details, please visit: https://www.akdn.org/our-agencies/aga-khan-fund-economic-development
Our Network
We have invested more than $700 million to date in our network that covers 387 districts, cities and towns in all of Afghanistan’s 34 provinces and reaches more than 91% of the country’s population.
Roshan operates a world-class Network Operations Center (NOC) and an internationally-certified (ISO) Call Center inside Afghanistan that handles more than 250,000 calls per week.
Roshan understands Afghanistan’s demand for the latest technology and we continue to invest in expanding and upgrading our network to meet that demand.
Our Achivements
Roshan is routinely recognized for our efforts to balance purpose and profit. Our executives have also received numerous national and international awards for their leadership.
Roshan was the first company in Afghanistan to be certified as a “B-Corp”, recognizing us as an ethical, responsible business that has had a sustainable social impact in the country where we operate.
Roshan’s Customer Care, Technology and Sales departments were the first in Afghanistan to receive global ISO-9001:2008 quality management certifications. Roshan has also been recognized as one of the Top 51 Companies Changing the World by renowned Fortune Magazine and leading business innovation publication, Fast Company ranked us as one of the Top Ten Most Innovative Companies in Social Good.